Skip to content A lot of black rock about but a continuous strip of snow in Parallel Gully A lured us on, with hints of more wintery conditions higher up An ultra-lean West Buttress with the top 100m just about beginning to rime in the south-easterly wind. Black Spout Buttress was climbed that day Lean conditions in the gully low down meant Andy climbed the first step on a mixture of frozen turf and ice Andy finishing pitch 3 on mostly good neve. Deeside in dappled sunshine beyond looking very autumnal Andy and Jamie enjoying themselves on the easier lower pitches The upper part of the gully felt far more wintery, but unfortunately marked the transition between neve and loose snow conditions Andy and Jamie enjoying themselves on what proved to be a scary pitch. A lot of time and digging was needed to find protection The top of the difficulties on pitch 5, where an exposed move left around the projecting block gains the easier angled gully above Poorly protected, steep and buried in loose snow – it must be the top of a Lochnagar gully! A cool lead by Andy of a serious pitch