Skip to content Not a bad view! Ben Cruachan and Loch Etive seen from the base of the Slabs The central section of the Etive Slabs – Spartan Slab works it’s way from bottom left to top right of the photo Joe humping his way to glory on the awkward and strenuous overlap of pitch three After surmounting the overlap Rob pauses to take it all in The exciting hand traverse is a fun way to end the third pitch Some proper slab padding provides a fitting end to the difficulties while Ben Starav watches on Halfway through the pitch Rob gets his first protection and I start to breathe again From the top of Garbh Bheinn looking north it felt like all of the Highlands were laid out before us The monolithic South Wall of Garbh Bheinn with climbers just about to start up Excalibur The first two pitches of Butterknife seen from the descent gully Rob belayed by Joe sets off up the first pitch The climbing and situation gets better and better as Rob moves higher Rob living the dream as he nears the end of pitch 1 Joe begins to bridge his way up the outrageous corner, shuffling our biggest cam up the wide crack Classy moves up and over the first roof which in the end proved the crux of the route